
Luke 1:42

“God has blessed

you above all


I would think that when Mary heard Elizabeth say these words she felt great joy and honor.

To be blessed above all women by the God of the Universe….

But the road Mary had to walk was a road of total surrender.

Her life became God’s life.

Giving up days as a young, carefree newlywed as she started this new chapter of her life with Joseph while holding the Son of God.

Going where God told her and Joseph to go.  Fleeing one town for another for long periods of time in order to keep His Son safe from harm.

And then finally watching her Son die the most cruel and painful death imaginable while being mocked by crowds of people who just days before had cheered Him into town….

I wonder if all the things Mary had treasured in her heart through the years…..

The shepherds bowing to worship Jesus as He slept in a wooden manger,

The Wise Men bowing before Him and presenting gifts,

Losing Jesus at the age of 12 and then finding Him in the temple,

The miracle at the wedding in Cana,

I just wonder if these visions flashed before her eyes as she watched Jesus dying.

And then I wonder how she lived the rest of her years without Him on the earth.

I have to believe that she clung to the Hope of Heaven.

She inspires me to keep pressing on.

She reminds me that God’s ways are higher, bigger, and better than man’s ways.

I’m thankful that God didn’t just choose to have Jesus appear on this planet out of nowhere but rather chose to bring Jesus here through a real, earthly mom.

She reminds me that being blessed doesn’t mean that life won’t be painful at times.

That comforts me today.