There’s something about the word “pure” that seems so unattainable.

The dictionary gives these synonyms for the word:

unmixed, unadulterated, unalloyed, uncontaminated, untainted, unstained, undefiled, untarnished, immaculate, unpolluted, uncorrupted. modest, virtuous, undefiled

God must have loved the thought of pure things when He commanded over and over again in the Old Testament that every part of the temple be made with pure gold.  Then again in the New Testament, He had Matthew record these words from the very mouth of Jesus,.

Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God

Matt. 5:8

I want to see God someday, don’t you?

I want to stand before Him spotless.

So how do I do this when I know deep inside how tarnished and stained I am from past mistakes?

In Philippians 2:14-16, listen to what Paul says,

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.

Wow. Does Paul really say that to become blameless and pure, I need to quit grumbling and arguing?


It sounds simple.

And yet, I think about just yesterday when I found myself so irritated with two of my kids and then grumbled about their behavior to a friend.

I remember a few days ago when I stirred up a silly argument with Tim over frustrations about things that need to be done to the house…things that I know don’t matter in the scheme of life.

And I’m humbly reminded that it’s not as simple as it sounds to let go of bad habits.

I want to be blameless and pure.

So, today I am claiming this verse in a powerful way.

When my mouth opens, I want the words that come out to be pleasant and kind.  I want to see the best, think the best, and be the best I can be even if the situation I find myself in isn’t the one I would have chosen for that moment in my life.

Yes, I’m sure I’ll slip along the way.  But I’m going to try.  I’m so thankful that Paul uses the phrase “become blameless and pure,” because this reminds me that it is a process not just an overnight reality.

I want to become blameless and pure.

I’m thankful that God has high expectations.

He stretches me every day,