As I looked through workbooks I already had on my shelf, I was drawn to one I started years ago but never finished.

As I read the back cover, I felt like this study spoke directly to where I’m at today in my faith journey.

EXPERIENCING GOD:  Knowing and Doing the Will of God

“Learn to hear when God is speaking to you.

Find out where God is working and join Him.

Experience God doing through you what only God can do.”

experiencing God


If you would like to study along with me, CLICK HERE to order a copy of this workbook for yourself.

If you don’t have time to actually do the workbook, I’ll be sharing highlights from my study several days a week.


This morning as I began I was struck by these thoughts:


1.  When God called people like Abraham to join Him in His work, He didn’t provide many details.  He simply said, “Follow me” or “Go.”

Jesus worked the same way when He called the disciples.


In life, we don’t always know what God has in mind for us, we just know that He longs to use us.


2.  In John 5:19-20, Jesus says, “The Son can do nothing by Himself, He can do only what He sees His Father doing…”

If Jesus needed God in order to be effective, I definitely do too; and

no matter what I think I should be doing, I need to join God where He is already working.



Today, I want to be available to work alongside God.  That means that I have to have my eyes and ears open.

I have to my heart tuned into the world the way God’s heart is tuned into the world. 

I know He is has called me.  He’s calling you too.


Where can we join Him today?

How can we trust Him more even when we don’t know what tomorrow looks like?


I don’t know about you, but my days are so much more rewarding when I am fixed on Him.

Life is an adventure when we reach a point where we can look at every challenge as an opportunity to trust Him more.


I have some challenges in my life right now, do you?

I have some things that weigh heavily on my heart.


I’m so thankful for a Father who “holds all things together” and “who leads me beside still waters.”


He longs to hold your life together too.

And He is waiting patiently to lead you.


I’m praying for you this morning and asking God to allow you to experience Him in a whole new way in the weeks to come.


As I look back on my study of the book of James,

I am reminded that James was able to experience Jesus firsthand. 

They grew up in the same home.  Because of this, James had a faith that was unshakable even when it led to his death.


I want to grow up spiritually in the presence of God, so that I can have that same kind of faith until the day “my faith becomes sight.”

I want  you to have the same kind of faith.


The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things.

John 14:26

I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothings.

John 15:5


Let’s experience God today by walking beside Him in His work here on earth.


Open your eyes and see Him today.

Open your ears and hear Him today.

Open your heart and accept Him today.