Our phone rang late tonight……….

It was an elderly lady from church asking if my husband could stop by to see her brother (who lives with her) some time tomorrow. He has cancer, and he is scared.

I had Tim come to the phone to pray with him, because they wouldn’t let Tim drive to their home tonight.

Fear-it grabs us, consumes us, and often controls us.

I can remember so many days and nights of feeling fearful as Nick faced medical tests, new treatments, pain, and oh, so many needles.

And I remember memorizing a verse that kept me from drowning in my fear time after time….

When I am afraid, I will trust in You
In God, whose Word I praise.
In God I will trust, I will not be afraid
What can mortal man do to me?

This Psalm brought comfort when nothing else could. It reminded me over and over again that clinging to God’s Word was truly my only HOPE!

It reminded me that NO MATTER WHAT this world throws at me, I cannot be overtaken with God on my side. And neither could Nick.

So, tonight, as I head to bed-

Another day of life soaked up with heartache, yes, but laughter too, and time with Tim, Erich, Evan, Todd, and Olivia………and a few visits with friends, and a nice phone call with an old friend, and lots of emails from encouragers and blog posts from even more encouragers

I feel thankful.

Thankful that God keeps His promises.

Yes, that’s right.

He is Faithful.

Faithful to provide just what we need when we need it most.

So tonight, I ask all of you to pray for a man in our church who has cancer and is scared.

I just know God will send the peace He needs tonight.