Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Phil 4:4

“Chairo,” the Greek word for “rejoice” means

“to be happy, or calmly cheerful.”

Now, I’m going to be the first to say that sometimes it does not seem easy to be happy….

or even calmly cheerful.

Life is not easy.

When I close my eyes for just a minute, I can think of so many different people who are facing painful times as I type these words.  Grief, job loss, illness, friendship problems, marriage problems, and the list goes on and on….

To look them in the eye and say, “Rejoice,” would seem heartless.

But I think the KEY to this verse and the KEY to staying in a joyful state is that Paul says,

“Rejoice in the Lord!”

He doesn’t say, “Rejoice in your pain.  Rejoice in your sorrow.  Rejoice in your trials.”

No, our rejoicing comes from knowing that we are in the Lord!

When I remember that, I feel better.

I am sure that when Paul looked up at the metal bars in front of him, separating him from freedom, and when he thought about his future which was very uncertain as he awaited trial, he didn’t say, “I rejoice in this situation.”

No.  His rejoicing came from being in the Lord.

Think about this:

If you are “in the Lord,” you are safe NO MATTER WHAT!

There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God..Romans promises this!

Smile tonight, even through your tears, knowing that God is with you and He loves you with an everlasting love.

Rejoice in Him!