Psalms 50:15

.call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.

After watching the news for a while last night, it was easy to feel overwhelmed with the reality of what happened yesterday.

I woke up this morning wondering what was going on in the lives of so many that were affected personally by the tragedy of yesterday’s bombings during an annual event that usually ends with cheers of victory and an unbelievable sense of accomplishment.

It’s easy to wonder where God was yesterday when evil people chose to bring harm to innocent victims.

We’ve asked that question many times in the past when news has flashed across our screens reminding us once again of the hearts of wicked men.

All I have this morning is this,

God was there.

In the midst of all the screams.

In the midst of all the questions.

In the midst of all the pain.


He was right there.


And He’s there today.


He’s there to bring comfort to the hurting, and hope to the devastated.

Stories will surface just like they have in past events of horror and despair,

and slowly we will hear of how God is bringing strength to the weak and hope to the hopeless.


That’s how He works in a fallen world.


He doesn’t always provide escape

from pain,

but He always provides comfort in

the midst of it.


Today, if you are hurting, know that you can cry out to Him, and He hears you in a very personal, compassionate way.

When you cry out and He responds, you will find yourself feeling a peace this world can never offer.

And with this peace comes a hope that “overflows with joy” even as you try to figure out how to go on from where you are right this minute.


My prayer today is that you will feel God’s presence in such a profound way that there will be no room for doubt as to whether or not He is with you.


Close your eyes and know this:


The Creator of the Heavens and the earth longs to have a very personal relationship with you.

You are loved.

He is with you.

He is enough.

Even on the darkest day.