Dec 30, 2013 | Faith
In a world filled with so many different religious beliefs, spiritual convictions, and personal opinions about what is true, what is important, and what matters, it’s no wonder more and more people are throwing in the towel and walking away from organized...
Dec 28, 2013 | Faith
I love quiet moments when I become a sponge and God the water. I love peaceful places where His Presence rises above every noise, every movement around me. As He rises up over my life’s chaos, He catches my eye. He draws me in. He captivates me. And nothing else...
Dec 24, 2013 | Faith
Gazing at a Nativity Set, it’s hard for me to imagine anything less than a serene stable filled with the glory of God on the night Jesus was born. Maybe that’s why my desire this morning to sort-of panic about all the last-minute things I’ve...
Dec 23, 2013 | Faith
As she entered the room dressed in orange scrubs matching every other girl in the line of inmates, her dark brown eyes, hollow and empty, drew me in; but it was when she spoke that my heart melted. As she put her arms around me, she whispered, “My name is...
Dec 19, 2013 | Faith
I don’t think I truly understood what it meant to “give everything” to God until I finished writing Facing Dawn. I remember several years ago promising God half of any money made from this book when it was completed. I knew the strength I needed to...