It was another wild morning at our house. I was up til 12:30 finishing up a talk for tonight. I’m so excited to meet the women at Kilgore United Methodist Church, but I’m not going to lie. I have had the most difficult journey preparing for my talk on “waiting on the Lord so that we can mount on wings like eagles.” Shew! You know what life has been like lately at our house, and I feel about as far from being qualified to talk about “waiting” as I possibly could be. I jokingly told my husband many times. I am not ready for Friday night. I am waiting on the Lord to give me words. Well, thoughts have rolled around in my head, things have happened in my life, and I’ve done research on eagles off and on for weeks, and FINALLY, last night, it all came together. And then this morning, I found myself a little snippy. Tired and snippy. The veil was lifted from my eyes, and I realized that since I have been so consumed with computer work at night and running here and there and sitting in doctor’s offices that our house has become a HUGE MESS! I announced this morning with more pride than anyone should have that “I guess when I stop doing anything around the house……….everyone does.” I sent Tim a text and apologized after getting to work and determined that tomorrow is another day. A day to dig in and regroup at home. Tim did start a load of laundry before he headed out this morning, so I do need to say “thank you” for that. 🙂 I realized as I was driving to work that just as God longs for us to wait on Him, our laundry, dirty floors, and clutter kindly wait on us. I guess I should be thankful. (smiles) Well, I’m on my lunch break and it is the first chance I’ve had to reflect on how God steps in when we reach a point of not being able to step forward any further without a little lift. He truly does keep us walking, running, and even soaring when we stop trying and allow Him to speak and work. I took my first block class to the library to gather up a stack of children’s books that we could take the computer lab so that they could spend some time reading and catching up on their AR points. We randomly chose our books and headed back to my classroom to take attendance. Another English teacher leaned in my room to say “hi” and eyed a book that was in the stack and commented, “That is such a great book!” I had already looked inside the cover and noticed that it was written “in memory” of the author’s nephew and had thought to myself, “I probably shouldn’t read that today.” I looked at the teacher and said, “Does the boy die?” She just looked at me and said, “I’m not going to tell you that,” and left my room. Wasn’t that just like a teacher to make you curious enough to read a book on your own! Thank you, Mrs. Thompson! So we ventured to the computer lab with our mound of literature, and I decided to be brave. As I began reading, I was drawn in by the street boy’s love for a blind goose and before I knew it, I was in the middle of a drama between a group of homeless people and an orphan boy. It didn’t take reading too many pages for me to realize that God was the one who had sent Mrs. Thompson into my room to point out that book. I couldn’t have picked a more perfect way to end my talk tonight if I had had months to search the library. God truly showed up in the math lab at WCMS today, and the tears I fought back were tears of thankfulness. I saw Mrs. Thompson later on in the hall and told her what had happened. She smiled such a big smile and said, “I have goose bumps all over my arms!” That, too, made me laugh because the whole book was about wild geese in a city park! If you get a chance to check out a book in your library anytime soon, I highly recommend I Can Hear the Sun by Patricia Polacco. Thank you, Lord, for never failing to amaze me with your simple gifts,