Todd and his friend Caleb have spent the last couple of nights putting together this puzzle.

Since Todd received a new camera for Christmas, he has been taking pictures of everything! Thankfully, he took a picture of the puzzle from time to time along the way! When I was looking through his photos and saw this one, it spoke to me in such a powerful way.

Especially when I saw the “accidental” heart right in the middle!! And the smaller “accidental” heart in the middle of the upper middle section!!

I couldn’t help but think of I Corinthians 13 when it says that now we “see through a glass darkly” and then goes on to promise that one day we will fully know just as we are known.

Oh, for that day!

Oh, to see how each piece of our life fits together to make God’s masterpiece.

Oh, to understand that sometimes it is in the missing pieces that God can form a perfect heart!

Tonight as I watch 2008 end and prepare for 2009………….

My first year without Nick and my seventeenth year without Adrienne………

I am praying that God will keep my heart focused on His masterpiece not on my missing pieces.

I am praying that I will remember that until that day when my faith becomes sight, I will not be able to see the “whole picture.”

But when I do…………

Oh, what a glorious day that will be!

Praying for you too,