My old office is now a cozy little TV room.

Kathryn and Olivia snuggled up in it tonight to watch a movie.saturday jan first 0020_resizesaturday jan first 0021_resize There’s not a lot of space o do much else than watch a movie or play a game in this room, but I love having a little place right off the kitchen for Olivia and her friends.

Nick’s bedroom is now my office…….but it is still very much Nick’s room in every way possible except for the videogames and movies that have been replaced by my books and notebooks.saturday jan first 0025_resize I am with Nick in an extra-special way when I am in this room.saturday jan first 0033_resize

The memories of his too short but “so-filled-with-special-memories life” surround me when I am here.saturday jan first 0034_resize

So many autographed footballs, helmets, and photographs came to Nick from people he loved but would never meet. saturday jan first 0037_resize

I’ll never forget the night before Nick’s surgery which was on his 13th birthday.

About 20 people from our community came to the house and helped me paint and decorate this room so that Nick would be surprised when he came back home from Columbus.  I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning working on the room and then slept a couple of hours before riding to Columbus with a friend to meet Tim, Nick, and my mom at the hospital.  They had gone up the day before. saturday jan first 0036_resize saturday jan first 0035_resizeEven Chuck Norris and Tony Shaloub (Monk) sent Nick autographed pictures. saturday jan first 0026_resize saturday jan first 0027_resizesaturday jan first 0032_resize saturday jan first 0031_resize   saturday jan first 0029_resize saturday jan first 0028_resize This flag was flown in Afghanistan in honor of Nick and then mailed to us.

The “key  to the city ” in the picture above was given to Nick by our mayor.

I miss Nick so much, but I will forever be thankful for the privilege of being his mom.

As you enter this new year, be thankful for the privilege of sharing life with all of those you love.

Cherish every minute……..


even the tough ones.100_0733_resize Memories are forever, and they are a gift from God.