I’ve Lost It………

It’s been over a month now since I’ve driven a car.  My December 22nd surgery has been followed by some setbacks and the recovery has turned into quite an ordeal. Clean pajamas are the wardrobe choice for each new morning. Purpose has become mangled with...

Different Kinds of Seasons…….

After my surgery, I spent several days in bed. Light doesn’t pass through our bedroom window very easily, so mom made the most of what I had hanging on my wall to gently lift my curtain…… An old part of Grandpa’s plow. For years this tool broke...

What Does Love Look Like???

He arrived at our house at midnight last night. Hands and teeth aching from a stressful drive on treacherous roads. But he was smiling.  Tim met him in the driveway and asked, “Was it worth it?” With a grin, he replied, “YES!” His car is having...

An Awakening……….

What is it about the word “awakening” that makes me feel excited and hopeful? I love the word. It sings of hope and an awareness of something not yet known. Last night after youth group, Olivia shared with me about the lesson they had studied. She told me...

Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 18

I’ve decided that somehow God has paced my reading of this book to match the journey of my life.  I hope that because of the sporadic nature of this book study you have been able to gain insight at the appropriate times in your life as well. Today we will look...