Aug 29, 2012 | Faith
It’s probably vanity that has me sitting here with Loreal atop my head before school begins. Typing in rubber gloves is kind-of tricky, but multi-tasking seems to be one of my specialties anymore. I caught a glimpse of myself in my rearview mirror the other...
Aug 28, 2012 | Faith
Sometimes teachers choose to talk in a soft voice in order to get their students’ attention. Rather than trying to raise their voice above the commotion they simply begin talking softly and eventually the students realize that if they are not quiet they are...
Aug 27, 2012 | Faith
There’s nothing spectacular about this little hill in Jerusalem other than the face you can see in the side of it if you look at it just right. That’s where it gets its name, “Golgotha, The Place of the Skull.” (Matt. 27:33) It’s just a...
Aug 23, 2012 | Faith
If you find yourself running from one responsibility to the next, don’t forget to stop and breathe along the way. Not just the normal in and out of air that keeps your oxygen level balanced, but the kind of breathing that makes you stop and notice just how great...
Aug 22, 2012 | Faith
Have you ever had a muffin with a glob of butter on top? That one bite is loaded with unmistakable buttery flavor. Life is kind-of like a muffin…… And the things we do in life become our butter. When we do one or two things really well, there’s no...