Feb 28, 2014 | Faith
I’ve pulled a muscle in my upper left arm. The simplest movement sends a shooting pain through my entire arm, and my whole body winces. The movement of my fingers when typing sends a vibration up to my shoulder that somehow causes the pain to stir, and even as I...
Feb 27, 2014 | Faith
Tim and I will be traveling to Huntington tomorrow evening for the visitation of one of his students who was in class one day last week and then found dead that same evening. He was an only child and my heart breaks as I think of the agony his family is going through...
Feb 25, 2014 | Faith
Lord, I want to walk closer to you today than I did yesterday but not as close as I will tomorrow. Please hold my hand and keep me near you. In Your Son’s Precious Name, Amen ...
Feb 24, 2014 | Faith
We’ve all seen the poster showing the cat hanging on for dear life with the caption, “Hang in there. Friday’s coming.” If Monday could talk, I have a feeling it would have a lot to say about this poster and this mentality of life. After all,...
Feb 21, 2014 | Faith
If I could write the perfect story, it would involve happy people doing happy things and experiencing happy endings. But when I read a powerful story, I realize that it includes people who are struggling, people who deal with conflict, and people who face all sorts of...