Jan 31, 2008 | Faith
I can’t believe I haven’t posted an entry for an entire week. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. Nick’s surgery to remove his fourth brain tumor and fifth cancerous mass went exceptionally well! Just 48 hours ago Nick was in ICU,...
Jan 24, 2008 | Faith
Yesterday we found out that once again Nick’s cancer is back. Like a bad dream that returns night after night, I face the coming days with the reality that on Monday I will be sitting in Columbus Children’s Hospital waiting for Nick’s fifth surgery...
Jan 16, 2008 | Faith
Dear Prayer Warriors,Wow…..sometimes I feel so unsure of what I am about to say and yet so certain that I an suppose to write to you all and share an update on Nick and our life. I have so many things on my mind, so I will just begin spilling them out.First, we...
Jan 11, 2008 | Faith
I wasn’t expecting Olivia to bring home her report card today. Even more than that, I wasn’t expecting her to have a “C.” Not that I think she should have all As and Bs, but I guess I just assumed she would make the honor roll as easily as her...
Jan 8, 2008 | Faith
Yesterday I received a very special email from an alumnus of the university where my husband teaches . In the email I learned that this former student and her husband (a member of the US army) were mailing my son an American flag that had been flying in Iraq while he...