Jan 30, 2019 | Bible, Doubt, Faith, Family, fear, Grief, Hope, Joy, Life, love, making hard decisions, peace, Rest, roots, spiritual
My new chronological Bible changes things up. Interrupts history with the pain-filled story of Job. Slips it right in between the death of Joseph and the arrival of Moses. Uninvited. Leaving us on the edge of our seat as Joseph dies and the Israelites are left alone...
Oct 30, 2015 | adventure, Bible, Faith, Family, Grief, Hope, Jesus, Joy, Life, love, Marriage, Parenthood, Rest, spiritual, storm, trust
I should have know this penny was special. As I drove to meet a friend for lunch, I couldn’t help but reflect on our life stories and how they had crossed paths at such a difficult time in both of our lives. My son was fighting brain cancer. Her son was fighting...
May 21, 2014 | Bible, Doubt, Faith, Hope, Joy, Rest
Apr 28, 2014 | Bible, Faith, Rest, spiritual, trust
Imagine an island covered with tiny huts or a forest filled with little cabins. As you move from one make-shift home to the next you discover that only one has a secure roof. All the rest give no protection from the sun, the rain, or the wind. Where would you...