Jun 28, 2010 | Faith
This past Sunday morning during church, a sweet little boy in front of me started to cry as the communion tray passed him and his mom wouldn’t let him have a cracker. As I heard him crying, I thought to myself, “God longs to hear all of us crying for...
Jun 25, 2010 | Faith
I spent some time in the garden this morning pulling weeds..lots and lots of weeds…… And as I sat there on my little stool, I couldn’t help but think of how similar our lives can be to a garden. God has placed so muck potential inside all of us and...
Jun 23, 2010 | Faith
My cousin’s son who is a photography major has been visiting with us for a week, and we had the opportunity to take Olivia to a friend’s photography studio and practice his photography skills one day last week. (Thank you, Debbie.) Olivia hasn’t...
Jun 22, 2010 | Faith
Dr. Cook called Tim while I was on the road to mom’s and said that Olivia’s ultrasound was clear! Her blood work was normal except for low iron, and her protein level in another test had dropped significantly!!! The low iron level explains why she has had...
Jun 22, 2010 | Faith
As I left our house in the early hours of the morning with Olivia in her jammies under a blanket, I couldn’t help but recall all the early morning trips with Nick in his jammies under a blanket.Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital lab with Olivia and...