Oct 31, 2012 | Faith
The pictures of devastation from the wrath of Hurricane Sandy fill website after website. Ground zero in New York transformed into a rushing waterfall overnight. Many highways, once filled with bumper-to-bumper traffic, are now filled with water. Tops of cars peek...
Oct 30, 2012 | Faith
This weekend my friend’s daughter and son-in-law brought me a gift from Canada. When I read the words on the sign, my eyes filled with tears. This may be my very favorite message sign ever……… When I think of Adrienne and Nick not being here,...
Oct 29, 2012 | Faith
Olivia found a cute idea on Pinterest to take the place of a guest registry at a shower. Every guest writes a little note on a stone and places it in a jar. We couldn’t find stones, so we changed the idea a bit and used flat, glass beads instead. The messages...
Oct 25, 2012 | Faith
I’m serving in a different role this year in education. I have the privilege of working with teachers within all ten schools in our district. I get to go in lots of different classrooms and be a part of many hours of after-school meetings and professional...
Oct 24, 2012 | Faith
I never would have predicted that this morning as I read further into the Gospels that I would stumble upon a moment in Jesus’ time on earth that bothers me. I’ve read it many times. Actually, I remember writing about this very passage several years ago...