Sep 28, 2012 | Faith
I love books. I love to read. I’m sitting in a hotel room in Louisville, Kentucky, this morning needing to get ready for a day full of workshops and trainings for academic team coaching, but I had to take some time to read before jumping into the day. And...
Sep 27, 2012 | Faith
Jesus didn’t like what He saw when He entered the Temple in John chapter 2. He was so upset that he made a whip from ropes and drove out every vendor and every animal. He turned over tables and made people leave. I’m sure the disciples were standing...
Sep 26, 2012 | Faith
This morning my Bible reading included the time when Jesus was separated from His parents for three days as they traveled back to Nazareth after the Passover. Jesus was 12 years old and he had chosen to stay in Jerusalem without telling His mom and dad. Mary and...
Sep 25, 2012 | Faith
(Click the arrow on the playlist to the right just under my picture if you want my blog music to play while you are visiting here.) It was 3:30 a.m. when we finally went to bed. Visiting with old friends and playing Pictionary Man for hours was a perfect way to spend...
Sep 21, 2012 | Faith
My Bible reading this morning listed a series of genealogies and then the assignments of various people in the temple. I kept thinking, “How does this apply to me?” And then it hit me. The temple is now me! The temple is now you! We carry the Holy Spirit...