Mar 29, 2008 | Faith
My two oldest sons (third from the left and second from the right) were part of a team that recently traveled from Grayson, KY, to Del Rio, Texas and then on into Mexico for a week-long mission trip. It was Erich’s 6th or 7th trip here and Todd’s first!...
Mar 27, 2008 | Faith
Our yard is soggy. Our driveway ends with a moat! You literally have to jump across the water to get out onto the road. This morning as Olivia left for school, my friend who picks her up had to pull up sideways so that Olivia wouldn’t have to go to school with...
Mar 26, 2008 | Faith
This is the time of year when my husband literally works from sun up to sun down. On top of his job as a professor at the university in our town, he is also on staff at our church as well as a tax preparer for nearly 50 to 60 ministers nationwide. This means that...
Mar 25, 2008 | Faith
I love the verse in I Corinthians that says that “now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.” It reminds me of one of those hidden-camera shows where a person thinks they are looking into a mirror only to find out that...
Mar 23, 2008 | Faith
I just had to post another testimony to my friend’s mother’s life! We love you “nana!”Philippians 3 seems to be the Scripture that keeps coming to my mind this evening…..”10I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and...