Apr 30, 2013 | Faith
I’m pretty sure I could be a fan of arranged marriages, because I’ve learned a lot about love in my life time and what I’ve learned has transformed my way of thinking about love. I’ve learned that falling in love is easy. That feeling you get...
Apr 29, 2013 | Faith
Olivia’s throat started hurting last night, and her forehead felt very warm. This morning she can barely swallow. Ignoring the pain now would only make matters worse in a few days, so I’m calling our doctor as soon as they open and scheduling an...
Apr 26, 2013 | Faith
Last night, I met Olivia’s track team at an area high school after a meeting at work and a quick trip to Walmart. On the way, my mind was filled with so many things going on in life right now from how each of my boys are doing in their own little worlds to new...
Apr 25, 2013 | Faith
We’ve been searching for the past 24 hours for Olivia’s purity ring. She took it off to put on lotion just before her bus left for a track meet. And sat it on her backpack……. That’s the last memory she has of her ring. It’s easy...
Apr 24, 2013 | Faith
Sitting at Olivia’s track meet last night, I was drawn to the view on the other side of the field. One lone man. Standing. Watching. The view must have been perfect for him. Maybe he liked the quietness of a stadium filled with noone. I’m not really...