Aug 31, 2015 | Faith
I remember too well the hours sitting in waiting rooms as Nick had yet another MRI, another brain surgery, another chemo treament. I remember the days and nights in those first few months after he passed away and how I hung on to one small thread of Hope...
Aug 28, 2015 | Faith
The sugary scent of Sprite must have lured him to the can. Unaware of how close he was to a fatal swat, he lingered, soaking up every bit of sweetness he could find. I had no reason to hurt him. I was really in his world anyway. Outside, I feel a bee has a few more...
Aug 27, 2015 | Faith
What did it feel like? Twelve disciples Five loaves of bread Two Fish 5,000 hungry men and who knows how many hungry women and children Some estimate the crowd numbered over 15,000 On their own, these men had a big problem. Daylight was ending and the crowd needed...
Aug 25, 2015 | Faith
I’ve thought about this word a lot lately. Grace. Receiving something I don’t deserve. It settles over me like a cool morning mist. Hovering close. This thing called grace. Smoothing out my rough edges. Hiding my flaws. God has a way of wrapping me in...
Aug 17, 2015 | Faith
I’m not sure what I was expecting when I stopped by my old office. My nameplate was down, and a new one held its place. I laughed as a friend handed me the rectangular piece of metal holding my own name. Tammy Nischan It’s funny how a nameplate seems so...