Aug 18, 2016 | Faith
I sat in the grass with Olivia’s dog, waiting for her soccer scrimmage to begin. Tiny sweat bees danced around my legs and a warm breeze blew through my hair. It was quiet here, just below the sport’s fields on OCU’s campus, and I was thankful for a...
Aug 16, 2016 | Faith
The attic seemed to be calling their names. Covered in dust and rarely discussed, these symbols of victory (or at least participation) seemed to have served their purpose in our family’s story. ___________________ But when my husband heard my plan, he vetoed it...
Aug 2, 2016 | Faith
I have to preface this post with a keen awareness of all the beautiful women who are not on this road of motherhood either by choice or by reasons far from your control. I love you. I want you to know your role in this world is just as significant and treasured. My...