Apr 23, 2013 | Faith
When Jesus ascended back to Heaven after His resurrection and brief presence on the earth, He told the disciples, I tell you the truth. It is better for you that I go away. If I do not go, the Helper will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you. (John 16:7)...
Apr 22, 2013 | Faith
Sometimes I think it would be easier to walk with God if He would send us each a Post-it note every morning that included a list of “things to do” for the day. We could then check off all the things specifically chosen for us. __smile at your neighbor when...
Apr 19, 2013 | Faith
As I sat here reading the Bible this morning, I heard the rain began to pour outside. My first thought was, “Oh no. We didn’t get the yard mowed. My second thought was, “It’s going to be a mess getting in and out of schools today.” But...
Apr 17, 2013 | Faith
Do you ever wonder how you can know God more personally? Do you ever wish God would make a “personal appearance” in your life, showing up just when you need Him with a sign that speaks to your specific need? Well, I have great news today! That’s...
Apr 16, 2013 | Faith
Psalms 50:15 .call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. After watching the news for a while last night, it was easy to feel overwhelmed with the reality of what happened yesterday. I woke up this morning wondering what was going...