Last night at youth group the lesson was on Mary and Martha. As I sat with my sophomore girls in small group after the worship service and sermon, we began talking about what the story is all about. One girl who was new last night had never heard the story before.
As we shared about Martha’s spirit and Mary’s, I could sense in the girls that as high schoolers that didn’t really “get” how Martha could feel so stressed about things like cooking and hosting a party. They did begin sharing about how they don’t like it when people volunteer to do things at church and then complain about it……which in a way is very similar to Martha inviting Jesus over and then being stressed about having to prepare food.
I’ve always struggled with this story because I think in today’s world it is so easy to feel like Martha is more “me” than I want her to be. But last night as we talked, I realized that it’s not so much about “doing” as it is your attitude while “doing.”
We can’t literally “sit at the feet of Jesus” today, but He longs for us to spiritually find our rest there.
So this morning as I was blow-drying my hair and getting ready , I was reflecting on the fact that Jesus said, “I am with you always..even to the end of the earth.” If I truly believe this, then He is with me right this minute and that means that I have permission to sit at His feet 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How different would we live if Jesus’ face were right above us as we looked up from His precious feet?
How different would our conversations be?
How different would our actions be?
How different would our motives be?
How different would our feeling of peace be?
I long to live a life sitting at the feet of Jesus.
I can’t think of a more perfect pillow on which to find rest……
Even as I venture out to spend my day with middle school students talking about mean, median, mode, and range, I am going to set my eyes on Him who longs to walk every step of life with me.
I’m praying now that you can do the same.
Remember the words of Jesus….