And in him you too are being built
together to become a dwelling in
which God lives by his Spirit.
Ephesians 2:22
One thing about teaching fulltime is making the choice to let some things “go” a little bit.
This is hard for me, because one of the things I’ve had to let go of is keeping my house the way I like it. I’d like to say that I am relaxed about this, but honestly, seeing my house become disorganized all around me really stresses me out. I am a homemaker at heart. I like candles burning, lights low, clean sheets, the smell of cooked food, and on and on……..
One of my goals is to get to the place where I can master balancing my two worlds in way that feels “right” for my family. I want my family to enjoy being home and enjoy being around me. I want them to like our house.
So, this morning as I read Ephesians 2 and came across the verse above I had this stirring inside me about my body being the temple of God.
The dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.
I don’t know about you, but that reality shakes me up a bit.
I wonder how it feels inside my “house?”
Does He like dwelling here?
Is it a pleasant place to be or a place of turmoil?
Do I take time to make Him feel welcome or is He shoved to a back room and only visited when I have time?
I’m out on the deck with the puppies this morning, giving them time to run a while before I go to school.
I walked to my garden a few minutes ago as they were playing in the grass nearby, and I thought of Jesus walking with God in Gethsemane.
The closeness He must have felt to His Father there overwhelms me.
As I looked at my tomatoes and cucumbers twisted and mixed with weeds, I felt a nudge from God saying, “This kind of garden is the kind you are trying to walk in with me…..I need more time with you in order to make our garden a beautiful place.”
I know that God opened the door for me this year at the high school.
I know that Olivia will be in my building next year and that my ultimate goal is getting her raised in a way that sends her off fully connected to God and ready for adult life.
So, I breathe deep and ask God for creative ways to have good garden time with Him, free of twisted fruit and mangled weeds.
While I want my kids to love being at home, I REALLY want God to love being at “home” in me too.
I want Him to like my house.
Thankful for a Father who longs to not only spend garden time with us but also dwell within our very souls,