Last August, our daughter left for college leaving the last of our kid’s bedrooms empty.

It felt so strange to walk from room to room and see perfectly made beds…….

every single day.

Tim and I were determined to embrace this new chapter of life together,

but I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say my heart often ached for some kind of noise………….

anything to fill up the empty space that echoed inside of me.

And God, as always, sent just what I needed.

You became my beautiful bouquet straight from Heaven,

blooming with so much energy and passion for life

that I couldn’t help but feel more alive just being near you.

My house woke up every time you walked in,

and the sound of your laughter forever lingers here.

When I think about how precise God’s plan had to be in order for all of us to be living in the same place at the same time in history,

I am convinced we were meant to be.

All of us.


In this tiny town.

At the same time.


Sharing a chapter of life and becoming minor characters in each other’s life stories.

As you venture off to summer jobs and Masters programs,

I hope you’ll carry our shared memories with you.

I hope you’ll remember the deep talks we had as well as the silly ones,

and I hope you’ll never forget you always have a home in Kentucky.

But most of all……………………

I hope you’ll always remember just how treasured you are…………

not just by me,

but by God.

You were each created for a very specific purpose.

No one else can do what you were called to do or be who you were called to be.

The enemy will whisper doubt from time to time.

Don’t listen.

He’ll cause you to second guess your joy.

He’ll do anything he can to plant seeds of doubt.

He’s a thief……………..

who temporarily has the power to steal, kill, and destroy.

And he’s relentless,

fully aware of the potential deep inside each of you.

So my prayer for you is this:

Unwavering faith

Unshakable peace

Unending joy

Unstoppable courage

Unending hope

Unlimited grace

Unconditional love


This world needs you.

It needs your smile.

It needs your love.

It needs your grace.

It needs every part of you to be all in with your higher calling.


And this world needs all of us who see beyond the clouds and trees and mountains…………..

to the Heavens…………

to share what we see.


Open your eyes.

Ask God to show up.

Then tell the world what appears!

For me,

God showed up in the form of eight sweet college girls who blessed my life with their love all year long.

And I’m forever thankful.


“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,

and all these things will be added to you.”

Matt. 6:33

What do you need today?

Don’t be afraid to ask Him.

Give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I Thess. 5:18