I woke up to an inbox message from a friend in India asking for prayer.

In her note, she said,

“Please keep praying for India as it has 30 earth quake in last 3 days and a massive disaster and more than 2500 people died in Nepal and near by places. We are safe here.”

I’m ashamed to say that it took her message to make the whole event seem real to me.

After reading her message,

I’ve sifted through so many photographs and videos of Nepal.



nepal two


I’ve watched several videos of the avalanche on Mt. Everest as it happened.

I’ve spent the last hour soaking in the horror of this natural disaster.

Over 3,500 people have lost their lives, and here I sit………………

fully aware that my weekend was filled with anything but horror and destruction.

I thought about my Facebook wall and how it is currently filled with photographs from a princess tea party and senior pics.

I thought about my Sunday afternoon and how I sat in a restaurant with friends and family and laughed about meaningless things.

I thought about my heart and how the things that have consumed me have been incredibly trivial in comparison to the despair these people are facing right this minute on the other side of the world.

How do I balance the normalcy of my day with the absolute nightmare of my friend’s day?

How do I step into my Monday in a way that makes a difference to a country filled with hurting people I will never know this side of Heaven who need help right here on earth?

As I pictured Heaven, I imagined thousands of angels waiting for the word to go.

And I realized we do have some power to help these people, because I do believe prayer moves angels into action.

So, this morning as I get ready for a regular day of work,

I am also whispering prayers for Nepal and India……………

and for all those trapped on Mt. Everest.

One woman reached out and asked for prayer, and I know that there are millions more asking their friends and family to do the same.

What if their requests are followed by thousands of prayers that move Heaven in such powerful ways that the stories that unfold from this tragedy become testimonies to the power of God.

Today, I can pray.

You can too.

That’s what we can do as we step into our somewhat normal Mondays.

I love you, Blessy.

You are not alone.

Do not be anxious about anything,

but in every situation, by prayer and petition,

with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

Phil. 4:6

 Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,

for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9