Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
I love those moments when a thought enters my mind and I am able to hear the words, “Lord, put a guard over my mouth,” in my head before I allow those words to slip out of my mouth.
I hate when thoughts enter my mind and leave my mouth before I filter them.
I think that’s what James is talking about when he says that God wants us to have a “tight rein” on our tongue.
When the rein on something is tight enough, it can be controlled. God wants us to be in control of our tongue rather than having a tongue that controls us.
I’m still a work in progress.
At the same time, God calls us to another kind of action if we want to be considered religious.
He calls us to look after orphans and widows.
Maybe you’ve considered adoption or foster care at some point.
Why not go for it!? I just read a testimony of a dear friend who is committing to this kind of ministry as her children grow up.
Maybe you’ve thought about sponsoring a child through World Vision or Compassion International (click on either title to check them out up close). Why not pick a child today?
Maybe you have widows in your church who need some company. I know we do, and I have been so guilty of not doing the things I want to do. Stopping by to visit, dropping off a plate of dinner, inviting them over for a game night, sending them a card, and the list goes on and on.
Today, Tim and I spent the afternoon working in our yard after church. We mowed, trimmed bushes, stained our deck, and cleaned up a lot of branches that were lying around. In the midst of this beautiful afternoon, I began to feel blue.
Our empty swing set reminded me of the busy life we use to have when the four boys were all small. They would run, swing, climb our hill carrying swords, and keep us laughing all the time.
I found myself having a little pity party, and then I sat down to work on school work this evening and decided to read a bit in James.
Of course, God would speak to me directly.
Tammy, there are orphans and widows that need your love. Reach out with My love, and you will fill those empty places deep inside you.
My heart feels so different than I did just thirty minutes ago.
I am going to go get stationary and write a few encouraging notes to women I love who are facing every day alone.
I am going to think of some of my students who live every single day without their moms and/or dads and come up with some creative ways to encourage them.
When I remember to forget about me and think about others, I feel better. God calls us to such an upside-down way of living, doesn’t He?
He calls us to a life filled with moments where we are sharing His love…….
When we are busy doing this, I believe our tongue is much easier to control because it’s busy doing His work and not our own.
Today, I hope you will find a way to share His love with someone you know who needs it!