…one of His disciples said to Him,
“Lord, teach us to pray…”
Luke 11:1
Have you ever had to approach someone who intimidated you?
Sweaty hands, racing heart, hoping for the right words in the right order.
Like Dorothy as she approached the Wizard of Oz,
fear can easily grip us when we walk into the presence of someone who seems to be more powerful and more knowing.
I think the disciples understood the great honor and privilege of being able to have a personal conversation with God,
and they wanted to get it right.
For many generations, only the priests could approach the presence of God.
This shift in thinking about how He could be reached must have been hard to swallow.
Everyday fishermen at the foot of a throne?
The picture itself makes me smile.
And yet, they watched Jesus pray and they wanted to know.
They wanted to know the right way to pray.
They wanted to know the secret to talking to God.
Don’t we all want to know?
Don’t we all want to believe that when we talk to God He hears us?
Don’t we all want to grasp the truth that somehow our little words become big messages as they leave our lips and travel out of us toward Heaven?
I know I want to know.
I know I want to believe that the burdens on my heart are His burdens too, and when I bring them to Him, He responds.
I want to know that the tiniest details of my life are in His hands and He is working.
It’s not that I want my prayer to have power over anything or anyone in this world,
but I do want my words to matter.
And I want to know that the things in my heart match up with the things on God’s heart.
So, today, I have the same request,
“Lord, teach me to pray.”
I just have to remember I have an enemy who loves to whisper, “Don’t waste your time.”
He loves to remind me of the things that have not turned out so well even as I have stormed the Heavens day in and day out.
He whispers in my ear often, reminding me of the tombstones not far from my house and how my heart’s desire did not change the course of life and death.
He whispers loudly of all I have lost in spite of my prayers; and if I don’t keep looking up, I can easily find myself disillusioned, dismayed, and disappointed time and time again.
I’ve learned, though, that the louder the whisper of the enemy, the more I want to pray.
His desire to pull me away actually pushes me closer to Him who loves me most.
So, today, if you’re feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, lean closer to God.
He is there.
I really believe it’s not about a right way to pray as much as it is about our desire to want to know He really hears us.
Do you have that desire?
Just tell Him.
Prayer is simply talking to God even when His answers don’t make sense.
I don’t think there’s anything on this planet that means more to Him today.