Early Morning Thoughts….

It’s been a while since I’ve had any early morning thoughts……well, early morning when the sun was rising anyway.  I guess 1:00 a.m. is early morning, but it’s just not quite the same as 6 a.m. I woke up to the sound of Hugo whimpering in...


Just wanted to share a picture of Erich and Mallory’s new puppy, Hugo!  He is so funny!  He follows whoever is walking around the house!...

Erich is on his way!!!!!!!!!!!! Evan will be soon!!!

Remember our son Erich???  He moved to Nashville at the beginning of the summer to be a nurse at Middle Tennessee Medical Center and is getting married on September 18th! Well, he has four days off in a row and is coming home to visit!!!  And he’s bringing his...

Uncovering a Treasure…

  I returned to the pile of trash today to see if the desk was still there!  It was! Thank you, Brett, for meeting me there with your trailer to help me dig it out and bring it home! 🙂   I took out all the drawers, washed the desk off (it was a little warped from all...

Is Your Gift Hiding????????

I’m going back to this pile of trash today…….. Because that blue desk is too cute to be thrown away. If it’s still there and if it survived our major rainfall last night, I’m digging it out and bringing it home. Just looking at this...