Feb 21, 2011 | Faith
JOHN 6:48-50 I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. Today as we took communion something happened. The bread came by. We took. We ate....
Feb 17, 2011 | Faith
Below is a list of the eight wilderness mentalities that Joyce Meyer shares about in her life-changing book, Battlefield of the Mind, in case you want to print them out to place somewhere in your house as a reminder of some negative ways of thinking that can DESTROY...
Feb 16, 2011 | Faith
Don’t faint, but I am finally wrapping up this book study TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I read the last four chapters this morning and then realized I had reached the final page of the book, I felt a sense of urgency to share the closing chapters with you and, at the...
Feb 15, 2011 | Faith
It’s been way too long since I’ve had a give-away !! Since Tim and I both used one of Nick’s cards today as our Valentine to each other, I thought it would be fun to share a few sets with you!If you would like to enter the drawing for a set of Nick...
Feb 14, 2011 | Faith
Oil played such an important role in Old Testament history. My daily Bible reading is taking me through the exodus of the Israelites and the setting up of the tabernacle in the wilderness. Over and over again oil is required for purifying of priests and preparation...