Aug 24, 2011 | Faith
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms,according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him and through faith in him we may...
Aug 23, 2011 | Faith
I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. Ephesians 3:7 Of all the things I do every morning (and sometimes evening), sharing with you is near the top. It’s almost as if something draws me to my...
Aug 22, 2011 | Faith
A conversation this weekend has left me reflecting on the power of music. How much power does music have? When I listen to someone speak or read someone’s words, does the music in the background affect my emotions? How about with my blog? What if the music on my...
Aug 19, 2011 | Faith
Pride can easily get in the way of admitting I am struggling. Why? I think it’s because…….. I want to look as if I “get” everything. I want to appear professional and capable. I want people to see me as someone who can handle the things...
Aug 18, 2011 | Faith
We spent this past Saturday with my family in Brandenburg. My sister and her family were up from Florida, so we got together for a cookout. It was great to see my brother-in-law, sister and nephews, my brother and his wife, mom and dad, and Erich and Mallory. 🙂 (And...