When Eight Teenage Girls Have a Sleepover……..

You would think after an almost four-hour car wash, a couple of hours at the county fair, opening night of high school football……. then lying on the deck and watching the meteor shower until after 2 a.m., that these girls would be sleeping now. But I can...

When the Foggy Haze of Grief Lifts Enough to Care………….

I remember the early days after Nick passed away. Nothing really mattered anymore. Bad news.  Good News.  It all seemed insignificant in light of the truth that Nick was gone. How do you measure life’s ups and downs from a foggy cavern where nothing seems lower...

Living With a Scar………

(If you would like music playing while on this blog site, go to the “IPod” on the right just below my photo and click the arrow to play music.) When we adopted Olivia in 1999, we only knew her from  a few sweet photographs. We fell in love with her big...