Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

Matt. 5:6

Saturday night, our dog Peppy woke me up about 3 a.m. whimpering and restless.  

Peppy has been our dog since the kids were small, and his age is showing in many ways.

His back right leg is limp, his eyes look tired, and he can’t hop up on the couch anymore (we have to lift him).

But he still follows me all through the house. 

When I go to bed, he’s right behind me, ready to climb on his pillow on the floor right next to where I sleep.

So when I heard him whining in the night, I stumbled through the darkness to see what he needed.

He didn’t want to go out.

He didn’t want his pillow adjusted.

He wanted water.

I went to the kitchen to get the water dish, and he immediately became excited.

As soon as I sat it on the floor, he was gulping.  Snoopy, our other old, faithful dog, joined him and they both began gulping.

I felt horrible, wondering how long they had been thirsty.  We must have let the dishes run out of water during the day.

As I heard them both drinking and drinking, I thought about the verse above…..

Do I thirst for righteousness like my dogs thirst for water?

Am I restless until my thirst is quenched??

I love that God promises that when we thirst (and hunger) for righteousness, WE WILL BE FILLED!!

That means that He is waiting to fill our bowl!

That means that He hears our cries and takes care of us.

We don’t even have to wake God up!

Psalm 121:3-4 says this,

He will not let your foot slip-
   he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
   will neither slumber nor sleep.

I am so thankful this morning that God is my Master and my Guide.

I am reading a book called “The Dream Giver” right now, and I am so thankful that when God places dreams inside of us He leads the way in making those dreams come true when the dreams involve His glory not our own.

If you are thirsty for righteousness today, there is only One who can truly satisfy your need.

Any other thirst may be quenched temporarily, but it will not last for long.
Please do not waste your time thirsting for things of this world.

Friday night at the prison, we sat around a table with a group of women dressed in orange jumpsuits who are ready to change their lives.  They each had Bibles and lots and lots of questions.  They are thirsting for righteousness, and I know God is with them.  As we closed in prayer, arms wrapped around each other, you could feel God’s presence in a mighty way.  He is leading these women from darkness to light.

He longs to lead us too.

Today, as you venture into the week of Thanksgiving, I’m praying for you.

Praying that you can feel God’s presence in every step of your day.

It’s time to get ready for school.  Today I interview at Mitch Albom at 1:20.  Please say a prayer.  I’m nervous about speaking to him for some reason.  I want to ask the right questions about his book and the upcoming movie, “Have a Little Faith.”  I want to interview him during my class time, so that the students can be a part of the experience, so please also pray that the students will be on their best behavior. Smile

I love you all so much.

Remember these promises as you step out into another week of life on this planet.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;

I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Psalm 32:8

And the Lord will guide you continually

and satisfy your desire in scorched places

and make your bones strong;

and you shall be like a watered garden,

like a spring of water,

whose waters do not fail.

Isaiah 58:11


Because of Him,