Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:5-7
My portion.
My cup.
A secure lot.
Boundary lines.
Pleasant places.
A delightful inheritance.
Praising God.
Counseled by Him.
An instructed heart…even at night.
One verse and yet so many powerful possibilities.
If you’re cup is overflowing with the wrong things.
If you are feeling insecure.
If you are feeling like you have no boundaries.
If you are feeling like life is unpleasant.
God never planned for you to feel this way.
He longs to help you set your boundaries.
He longs to counsel you.
He longs to instruct you even by night.
So that you can live in pleasant places.
So that you will have a delightful inheritance.
So that you will ultimately praise Him.
Today, take a good look at your life.
Where can you say “no?”
Where can you cut back?
Where can you let go?
While it’s easy to get caught up in excess and expanding,
God is all about pruning and parameters.
I’m trimming hedges in my life in 2013.
I’m putting up some fences.
If you are feeling overwhelmed today, I’m challenging you to do the same.
There is great freedom in allowing God to step in and help you set boundaries!
Say “no” when necessary.
Limit your use of technology.
Determine your passion and live it fully.
Deepen a few friendships and be thankful for them.
Pray before your say…..anything.
Read the Bible before you pick up another book….always.
The Creator of the universe longs to be your Perfect Property Surveyor.
Allow Him to set your boundary lines today.
And trust that He knows best!
Praying for you today,
Ooooo words of wisdom. I needed this today….think I’ll print this one out. Thank yu for your heart Tammy!