When I decided to make a special “school-lunch supply shelf” in the closet in our living room a couple of years ago, I didn’t realize I was creating a future “mouse cafe.” 

And I sure didn’t realize that a package of nutty bars had fallen down onto the floor over a year ago and not been noticed because of all of the notebooks, scissors, glue, pens, pencils, crayons, and other craft supplies that were stored on the same shelf.

So I thought you all should know:

If you feed a mouse a Nutty Bar…….cake class and mouse 026

He’ll come back and want some more……cake class and mouse 027

And when he does, you’ll trash your house….

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Trying to find that sneaky mouse!


Friends will come from here and there…

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Searching—-looking every where!


They’ll bring their muscles…..and maybe a bat.cake class and mouse 018 Some will even bring their cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cake class and mouse 034

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They’ll look high!

cake class and mouse 031 And they’ll look low!cake class and mouse 032

Finding a mouse can become quite a show!

You’ll discover gifts you had bought on sale……cake class and mouse 215

And freely give them to friends on the trail!cake class and mouse 2-12-2010 0247 resized

At the end of all of your hunting and seeking

The mouse who had earlier been running and peeking

Will mysteriously vanish as if he were a vapor

Leaving Olivia surrounded by craft supplies and paper. cake class and mouse 039       And if you give Olivia craft supplies……….

More on that later. 🙂

(Inspired by the great “If you give a mouse a cookie” series of books)