It gets the best of me so often.

The unknown.

The unseen.

The signs up ahead I can’t quite see.

Foggy mornings scare me.

So does walking by faith.

Take me out of the driver’s seat and everything gets worse.

There’s something about gripping the wheel that at least gives me the false allusion that I have a little control over the unknown.

And a false allusion can carry me pretty far.


God must know I need a lesson now and then.

A reminder of just how little I control.


I scoot down low and close my eyes,

thinking if I block my view,

keep myself from seeing the scary unknown right in front of me………

then maybe it will all go away.


I peek often, though, and breathe deep.

And it’s still there.

All the things I do not know.

How does my husband keep moving so calmly into the unknown while I grip the door and fight the urge to scream, “Stop!”

Driving in fog and walking by faith

They’re both so scary.

But I’m slowly learning………………

 it’s not about how fast you move from here to there along the foggy way

 but how you act as you face one unknown curve after another.

And that’s where my foggy faith so easily fails.

Fear wins.

Anxiety scoots me low.

The unknown becomes my focus,

and I miss the beauty of the road right in front of me.


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for

and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1


If I have one desire this morning,

it is this:

To stop allowing fear to keep me from embracing the wonder of a foggy road.

Because life really is a beautiful foggy journey.

And faith means releasing my grip from the wheel.

And trusting the One who’s driving.