
We had walked all over the farm, capturing engagement pics from so many angles.

It had been such a fun morning……………….

light conversation about every day life mixed with

heavy conversation about the seriousness of a marriage commitment.


As our time together came to an end, I snapped this picture………

the pile of props had caught my attention for some reason, and it wasn’t until yesterday that I realized why.

I needed this picture as a reminder that even when I think I’ve gathered everything…………….

I need to take time to be absolutely sure.


After loading my car, we hugged and said good-bye.

I headed home, thinking all my treasures were with me.

I didn’t give much thought to my camera supplies until yesterday morning when I wanted to change the lens.

It was only then that I realized something very valuable was missing.

One of my most precious lenses had carelessly been left behind.

My casual search through the house turned a little frantic as I came to grips with the fact that what I considered a treasure was lost…………………..who knows where……………..on a farm half an hour away.

My husband, who truly deserves a medal, offered to head toward the country with only a visual of where I had walked while doing the photo shoot.

“Here’s the driveway,” I said as I placed a set of keys on the table.

“Here’s the house,” I represented with a notebook.

The creek and barn showed up as ink pens and earrings.

Tim took this little bit of knowledge and headed out.

As I finished getting ready for church, I anxiously awaited an update.

Eventually, a text arrived,

and I could tell the hunt was more difficult than we had even imagined it would be.

Tim typed these words,

“Can you send some pics you took so I can get an idea of which direction to walk?”

I sat down at my computer and started snapping photos of different moments from the photo shoot.

It was so strange looking at my work as part of a mystery he was trying to solve.

As I looked at one particular series of photographs, I remembered exactly where I was when I changed lenses.


I texted Tim this picture.

He immediately began walking along the edge of the creek until he came to the trees that matched the ones in the background.

It wasn’t long until I received another message from him that simply said,
“Found it!!!”


Safely nestled under a leaf that must have blown over it in the night, my lens lay waiting………….

protected from the frost and dew by a blanket of nature.


If my lens could talk, I’m sure it would share a scary story of night sounds and unbearably cold temperatures.

I’m sure it would talk about feelings of being left behind, forgotten………………

I’m confident it would speak of second-guessing its worth as it was crawled over by all kinds of little bugs throughout the dark night.

But I’m also sure it would eventually share about the incredible feeling of peace that overcame it as a blowing leaf arrived just in time.






At some point in the night, the wind had delivered much-needed protection and everything had changed for my lens.

As I held my lens in my hands later in the afternoon, I felt a connection with it I had never felt before.

There was something so powerful about knowing we had both been saved by the moving of the wind……………

Like my camera lens and probably just like you, I have felt the despair of feeling abandoned.

I have felt helpless, frightened, alone.

I’ve also experienced moments of great relief as the wind has blown and sent just what I needed to survive a scary night or a terrifying day.


I’m sure I haven’t always appreciated the value of the leaves in my life………………….

the friend

the verse

the hug

the book

……………….like I should have.


Looking back, though, I can think of so many times when God changed the wind just enough to cover me………..

time and time again………………………….

exactly when I needed it.

Bible studies



Phone calls

Text messages



All sorts of things have arrived just in time………………..

and reminded me that I’m never alone…….

no matter how dark the sky may seem or how brutal the cold may feel.

My camera lens has reminded me that God truly is a wind changer………………..

and sometimes all He needs to send with the breeze is one fallen leaf.

Jehovah-Roi, My Protector

Jehovah -Jireh, My Provider

Jehovah -Shalom, My Peace

Jehovah – Nissi, My Banner

Jehovah – El Elohim, My Strong Protector

Jehovah Shammah, My Abiding Presence

Jehovah Magen, My Shield

Jehovah Azar, My Helper

Jehovah Machaceh, My Refuge

Jehovah Nacham, My Comforter

Today, you may be fully aware of His Presence in your life or you may be just like me on so many days when I need a little reminder of just how quickly He can change the wind and at the same time change my entire life.

Wherever this Monday finds you, know that God doesn’t have to do any searching to find you there.

He is with you (Emmanuel)………………even in the darkness, even in the cold.

You are His treasure.

No what you’re facing, you’re going to be okay.

Close your eyes.

Feel the moving of the breeze.

It’s bringing just what you need.

I don’t know a lot, but I do know this………………..

He’s got you covered.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Psalm 91:4

(So excited about your upcoming marriage, Chuck and Kelli! Love you both!!)