I don’t think I can write about anything more pressing on my mind than what happened in my family’s life on Friday night.

For those who don’t know, our youngest son has cancer. Just typing that is painful. However, I have learned in the past nearly 6 years of living with this reality that God is bigger than anything…..even cancer. He has proven time and time again that He can bring good out of the most difficult situations, and Friday night will always stand out as one of those “good” memories that never would have happened without the ugliness of the illness Nick faces every day.

Several months ago, a couple of young ladies from our church decided to have a celebration night for Nick and were able to have April 4, 2008, declared “Nick Nischan Day” in our small town in Kentucky. Shirts were made and commercials were played on the radio, in the newspaper, and on our local TV channel.

Friday night as I entered the church with Nick, I had no idea how amazing the evening was going to be!

On top of being supported by at least 200 prayer warriors, we shared an evening of praise and worship that literally reminded me of how awesome Heaven is going to be!! Kentucky Christian University students led worship followed by University of Kentucky students in concert! I didn’t want the singing and praising to end.

And that’s not all……….Nick was totally surprised when, after watching a short video clip from Mike Furrey (wide receiver with the Detroit Lions) and his wife telling Nick that they wished they could be there to support him, Mike Furrey actually walked onto the stage from a side door! It was amazing!!!!!!!!! Mike spoke to everyone about his and Nick’s favorite verse Joshua 1:9, and he spoke directly to Nick about how Nick has become his hero. Through tears, Mike shared that because of Nick’s bravery and ability to stay positive in spite of his cancer, he has personally became a more committed Christian and a more determined role model who wants nothing more than to use his position as an NFL player to share Jesus with the world.


It is difficult in some ways to step down from this memory and simply keep pressing on. I want to sit and savor the feelings from Friday night forever. But the reality of what is ahead of me keeps me pushing onward. Nick has an MRI on Thursday, and until then, we must keep focused on all of Nick’s medicines, treatments, etc.

I am reminded of Paul’s words to “press on toward the prize….” and that is what keeps me going. I know it is what keeps Nick going too!

I am so thankful for everyone who had a part in Friday night! And I just want to say to anyone who reads my blog………………THERE IS NOTHING YOU WILL FACE IN THIS LIFE THAT IS BIGGER THAN WHAT GOD CAN HANDLE! And when we allow God to handle things, He has a way of transforming them into beautiful memories!

My prayer for you today is that you will let go of whatever is holding you back, and step forward in God’s loving arms! He wants to carry you through it all!