Ps. 92:12 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree…..

I looked up from my lawn chair one day in the Bahamas (on Nick’s Make A Wish Trip-believe me, the Bahamas wouldn’t normally be a vacation option for our family) and this was the view above my head! I just had to take a picture! It took my breath away! The palm branches so beautifully shading me, but at the same time, the sun was shining through the leaves so purposely.

I couldn’t help but think of my life as a Christian, striving to reach toward the Son everyday and how in striving Jesus somehow manages to use my life to shine through for someone else in spite of my bulky branches. He is like that! He takes what we have and He uses it! He shines through when we reach toward Him!”

So as we leave early in the morning for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for a very critical appointment for Nick with a new doctor, my prayer is that God will continue to use us to share His love with those we meet along the way and that He will receive all of the glory!

Thank you for every prayer for Nick. Thank you. God bless you all!