A Walk With A Writer

A Walk With A Writer

When a writer experiences a phenomena called “writer’s block,” where he sits and stares at a blank piece of paper or an empty computer screen for hours on end, there’s one thing he should always do. No matter what. ___________________________...
When Guest Books Speak

When Guest Books Speak

   An old copy of “Singing in the Rain,” found by my son-in-law as we were packing our Grayson home late one night, became a place for all of us to take a break and practice what is called in literature as “black-out poetry.” We had so much...
When Words Just Aren’t Enough….He Always Is

When Words Just Aren’t Enough….He Always Is

You would think I could find the right words by now; but when tragedy strikes, I’m speechless. I know too well, Words mean nothing when someone loses everything. So no matter how hard I try, there’s no stringing together of sentences that can bind...
The Only Way To Vote And Know You’ll Be Okay

The Only Way To Vote And Know You’ll Be Okay

Voicing my political views on social media has never been “my thing.” Maybe it’s because I don’t feel informed or intellectual enough to carry on a healthy debate, or maybe it’s because so many online debates digress so quickly that a...
When You Realize You’re Hanging History Today

When You Realize You’re Hanging History Today

When he left for work this morning, did he realize the significance of the tools he carried? Tape Paper A drill Was he dreading the long hours on his knees, steadying himself with only an elbow placed firmly on a sometimes shaky leg? Or was he able to wrap his mind...