When Guest Books Speak

When Guest Books Speak

   An old copy of “Singing in the Rain,” found by my son-in-law as we were packing our Grayson home late one night, became a place for all of us to take a break and practice what is called in literature as “black-out poetry.” We had so much...

Update on Nick

Dear Prayer Warriors,Thank you for your prayers and all of your emails of encouragment….I am sorry I can’t reply to all of them right now. I slip out to send an update and use a computer that can only be used for a limited time, but I read EVERY email that...
Thumbs up!

Thumbs up!

Thumbs up!This picture was sent to me all the way from Hungary where my dear friend Donnette’s daughter is doing a one-year internship with her husband David. This picture is actually Deborah and her brother-in-law, Aaron. They are showing their love, support,...