Anytime you buy a new appliance, it comes with a nice, thick book of instructions……
I save those manuals, but honestly, I rarely use them.
This past week, however, one of the students from the college where my husband teaches was in a pinch and needed some help. He and his roommate both needed shirts ironed for an evening event, and Heath’s suit needed some extra help. It had been in his truck for a long time where it had become very wrinkled and dirty.
I knew my washer and dryer had a setting for dry cleaning, but I had never tried it before.
We searched everywhere for the manual.
We even googled my appliances thinking we could find the instructions.
No luck.
So, we looked at the settings on my washer and found one that said “deep steam.”
“That has to be it!” I foolishly thought.
So, I popped Heath’s suit in, and as the famous saying goes,
Oh my. I wish you could have seen my face when I pulled this suit out of my washer.
I wish I could have seen my face.
I was all alone at the house, so I grabbed my phone trying to reach Heath. I was finally able to get a hold of him, and he handled the whole ordeal with such grace and good humor.
I’ll never forget the night I tried to use my washer without reading the manual.
If you think about it, God knew life was going to be extremely complicated and difficult, so He left us with a very special Manual (His Word) too.
If you are facing tough decisions, don’t try to make them on your own.
Find your Manual and read it.
Believe me, you will be very sorry if you don’t.
Humbled once again,
Oh my. So funny!
Oh, Well, at least it was clean! And probably germ free.
I admire both you and Heath for handling the whole ordeal with such aplomb.
I wish I could have seen your face as well!!
Just wanted you to know that I have been hesitant to email…two days ago I received a spam from your email address. The yahoo one.
I know this happened once before but I thought I had the new address. The email said it was from you – and I felt so bad that I had not already emailed you – and then it was a supposed ad for a cell phone with a website to check out (that start http://www.allah something???) I am totally assuming that it was NOT from you:)
Anyhoo, not sure if others have had trouble…but here is my address.
14217 Catbird Drive
Gainesville, VA 20155
Hope all is falling into place for a sweet and peaceful time next week at your house. I will be praying for all of you. Hugs, friend.