I’m heading out this morning on a two-hour journey to a literacy training.

I’ve been to the town before, but I’ve never been to this particular building; and from the directions it sounds as if construction may make the parking area tricky to find.

I get a little nervous when I’m heading out all by myself to unknown places.

Tim helps me get the GPS set up, and he always shows me a picture of where I’m going on a map; but there’s still a level of anxiety that comes over me even when I feel as if I have a fairly good idea of where I’m heading.

Life is so much like an unknown journey, isn’t it?

We have a Guide, but there’s still so many times when we get a little nervous about what is coming up around the next “unknown bend” in the road.

After Adrienne died, I remember cleaning the house one morning while listening to one of those Sunday morning TV shows that was a Christian music performance by various singers.

One of the songs was about a painful road with rocks that hurt the feet of the person on it; but then the song had these words, “I know I must be traveling right.  I remember passing Calvary.”

I just loved that song.

I taped it and would sing along over and over again while crying.

Today, I’m praying that no matter how difficult and painful the road might be that you are on at this time that you have passed Calvary along the way.

Calvary-the place where Jesus paid the price, conquered death, and gave us Hope.

Hope-that this journey will all be made right when we cross into the Promised Land.

I love you all.

Have a wonderful Thursday!

The LORD is my light and my salvation –

so why should I be afraid?

The Lord is my fortress, protecting

me from danger, so why should I


Psalm 27:1