“Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength….”

This passage has never been so meaningful to me in all my life. Seeing Nick bound to a wheelchair or the bed or couch has made me realize in an even deeper way the power of the words………..”They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

As I move throughout the house, I am so much more aware of the blessing of simply walking and not fainting. I look at Nick who absolutely longs to walk and cannot. I think of Natalie who is also bedridden right now. It is almost more than I can bear, and then I remember this verse and I know………….

Nick has to wait upon the Lord. Natalie has to wait upon the Lord. The Lord will renew their strength.

I am still praying for a miracle for Natalie and for Nick.

The Jericho March starts Monday. You choose your time and your path. Read below for details about the Scriptures and see the link to the website that talks about the history of the Jericho March. I am so excited! I believe that God will do great things through this march in all the lives of those who participate.