I Thess. 5:18

“Give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Monday means stepping back out…………………….
Out of my comfort zone back into the world.
Monday means a busier schedule…………………..
A continual decision to “be still” in order to survive.
Monday means a new chance to live a week right……………………
I get it wrong so many times.
Monday means a chance to share His love………………….
By being His love.
Monday means I’ve shared in His suffering again on Sunday………………..
And the least I can do is live for Him now.
Even though Mondays are often difficult for me, help me, Lord, to be thankful.

Your promises are just as true today as they are any other day!

Because of that, I say “thank you” for –

wind blowing softly outside, coffee brewing in the kitchen, Raisin Bran in my bowl, Peppy (one of our dogs) doing better…….he’s been so sick this weekend, Olivia’s soft voice as I wake her up………….
Praying for you this Monday morning,