I’ve never met this family but I feel like I have.
Ever since I read the first article about Maddie Bell’s disappearance,
I’ve found myself checking online news for updates at least once every few hours.
and praying……
she’s been found.
But every time I read an updated story,
my heart aches a little more deeply.
When our daughter died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in 1992,
I remember saying multiple times to family and friends,
“At least I know where she is.”
My heart was broken,
but I found comfort knowing my baby was safely in the arms of Jesus
Picturing her cradled there made my pain a little easier to bear.
Adrienne’s crib was empty.
But I knew God’s arms were full.
But Maddie’s mom……………..
I can barely breathe when I think about what she’s feeling.
I can only imagine what it’s like when the sun goes down
and her daughter still isn’t home.
I’m so thankful for verses like Psalm 34:18,
“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Deep inside, I know Maddie’s mom isn’t alone.
And I know Maddie isn’t either.
But I still feel helpless.
I want the police to stop all traffic and search every car…..
in every town in every state.
I want the whole world to freeze until she’s back in her mom’s arms.
COVID-19 may have affected our economy temporarily,
but the disappearance of a beautiful teenage girl has affected another family’s life forever.
How do you put one foot in front of the other when you don’t even know which way to turn next?
My fingers feel weak just typing those words.
My mind spins out of control thinking of the questions that are surely racing through Maddie’s mom’s mind.
So what can I do when I don’t know what else to do?
First, I can pray for Maddie and her family and everyone searching for her.
Second, I can watch closely for a white car with a California license plate every time I’m out.
Third, I can memorize Maddie’s face so it’s locked in my mind just in case.
And finally, I can share Maddie’s story here and ask you to do the very same kind of things.
Wherever you happen to be.
Together let’s do what we can to help find Maddie Bell.
“Truly I tell you,
whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did for me.”
Matt. 25:40
Praying as I head to bed.
And thanking God for promising to never slumber or sleep.