We didn’t see him coming as we moved down the interstate at full speed.

Suddenly, without warning, the nocturnal creature appeared in our headlights, attempting to run from one side of the road to the other.

With no time to even swerve,

our car took the life of a very large raccoon………….

causing all of us to gasp at the sound of the impact.

It wasn’t until we got home that we realized our car had paid the price for this split-second in time on our journey.


Life is so much like this.

We sail along from this appointment to that.

We celebrate victories and endure defeats.

We visit doctors.

We spend time with family and friends.

But sometimes in the midst of these seemingly ordinary moments,

a raccoon appears.


An unexpected announcement at work changes everything about our career path.

An injury during a game pulls us off the field and onto the bench.

Test results return and our tomorrows are suddenly filled with more doctors, more tests……….

anxiety, fear, fatigue.

News is shared about a relative or a friend and we want to wave a wand and make all things better but all we can do is reach for Heaven and ask, “Why?”


I’m feeling the impact of several things today……………

one of which is a raccoon’s lasting impression on my vehicle.

We can fix our car, thank goodness.

But everything isn’t this easy.

If only every part of life had a “repairman” as good as Ronnie Estep.

I don’t know about you, but I need a repairman today.

I need some things fixed that require more than popping things back into place,

doing a little welding,

and adding a little paint.

I’m thankful for a God who promises to never leave me.

I’m thankful that no matter how confusing or complicated or exhausting life gets,

no matter how hard we get hit,

He isn’t overwhelmed.

God sees the raccoon coming.

He knows how much damage will be done,

and He already has a plan………………

before we even visit the auto body shop.

I need to remind myself today that there are no raccoons too big for God to handle.

Like a repairman for my soul,

He longs to help me…………………if I’ll just come to Him.

And wait.

If I’ll just let Him see what I really look like when life hits me hard.

Every dent

Every scratch.

He cares about them all.


He holds the whole world in His hands.

Who am I to not let Him hold me?


Isaiah 30:18

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;

therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.

For the LORD is a God of justice.

Blessed are all who wait for him!