erichs graduation 05-08-10 0230 resized

I’m not sure if it is a lack of sleep, a nonstop schedule for the past two weeks, so many changes happening in our life, or simply that my oldest son is so much like the photo of him above……..

But I have been wordless beyond wordless for days on end now.

I promise that I’ll be back, but I’m just thinking that until we get through testing at school and we get Erich moved to Nashville and maybe until we get Evan packed and off to California that my words are going to be few……


At the very same time becoming fully aware that……

I started this blog to share My Heart and His Words, making a commitment from the very beginning to never allow this blog to simply become My Heart and My Words, so when it does………it’s definitely time to take a little break.

Realizing tonight that my words are getting in the way of His and praying that I will always remember why I blog and for WHOM I blog. 

I love when God shows up so clearly and simply says, “Tammy, maybe it’s time for a little break.”

Until time and an open heart come together with His Words,