I’m Not David……

I’m Not David……

PSALM 1321 O LORD, remember David and all the hardships he endured. 2 He swore an oath to the LORD and made a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob: 3 “I will not enter my house or go to my bed- 4 I will allow no sleep to my eyes, no slumber to my eyelids, 5 till I...
Spring’s Promise!

Spring’s Promise!

Romans 120For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.John 1125Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection...
I love Mandisa…….

I love Mandisa…….

NICK AND HIS BUDDY ANDREW LAST JANUARY AT THE BEACH!When I opened my email a bit ago, I wasn’t expecting an email from Tim (my husband) telling me that he had read a story on CNN about Mandisa’s new song (he knows I love her so much.)He gave me the link to...
Pursuing Peace……

Pursuing Peace……

Psalm 34:14b”…seek peace and pursue it.”When I sit and read just this little tiny snippet of a powerful chapter, God is trying to tell me so much.First of all, I think He’s telling me that peace isn’t something that is always easy to...